One Hour Can Change Your Life

Relax and focus - in one hour - at or near your home. Use your One Hour Retreat to get back on track - in your business, in your relationships, or in just being YOU!


Take A Vacation Without Leaving Home

A Limited Time Gift for You - A Full Length Audio Meditation

Can't get away for a vacation?

Use the attached audio visualization to take a vacation in your mind. Take advantage of the fact that your mind does not easily distinguish between the imagined and the real to "trick" yourself  into relaxing - body, mind and spirit.

This visualization takes place at the beach, and provides a simple technique to help you bring the energy of a beach holiday back into your every-day.

Link to the audio:    [This offer has expired - but the series is still available at]

Many of my clients find that relaxation exercises, visualizations, prayer and other types of meditation provide instant stress relief and help them reconnect with their best selves. Try it today - you have nothing to lose!

This link will be active until August 15th - feel free to listen as often as you'd like. And feel free to share it with others who might enjoy it!


The meditation linked above is #4 in the Simple Little Practices Meditation Series. Save $5.00 if you subscribe to the entire series before August 15th!

To subscribe to the series, go to

Get downloads of this audio and five more --two full hours of meditations -- for only $24.99.

Lighten up your life, and bring some holiday into your everyday -schedule a retreat today!