At home or at the spa, services that relax and nurture your body also relax and nurture your mind and soul. Treat yourself to a spa retreat this month. If time and/or funds are tight (as they often are this time of year), then give yourself a "spa retreat" at home.
Choose one or more of the following activities, whichever appeal to you:
- Manicure
- Pedicure
- Bubble bath
- Long shower
- Aromatherapy (essential oils or scented candles)
- Nap
- Facial
- Yoga, Pilates or gentle stretching
- Meditation (silent or using an audio recording)
- Fresh made soup (chicken, lentil or vegetable)
- Journaling
- An uplifting movie
- A tall glass of water, with a wedge of lemon
- Herb tea
- Snuggling up by a fireplace